Fake leather couches are a great alternative to your normal leather as it looks great in any lounge.
Here Is Why Leather Couches Peel:
Leather couches can peel from multiple reasons, the main ones are extreme temperatures, normal wear and tear, poor quality faux leather, inferior glue and poor glue application.
We will be talking about the above peeling reasons in more detail in this article. We will also be giving some great solutions to fixing up any peeling on your faux leather.

Why Do Fake Leather Couches Peel?
Fake leather peel due to several reasons. The following are 6 reasons why fake leather couches may peel on the surface.
Reasons Fake Leather Peels
1. Temperature Extremes
Extreme hot or cold temperatures can cause the faux leather couches to peel. When the fake leather gets heated up, it becomes soft and flexible.
If you have a fake leather couch that has been in direct sunlight for a long time, the heat from the sun may have caused them to expand and stretch. As a result, these are no longer the same exact shape as when you first bought it. When artificial leather gets cold, they tend to shrink and become brittle.
2. Normal Wear and Tear
Over time, normal wear and tear can cause your fake leather couches to peel at the edges where most of us sit. Even if these surfaces are not in direct contact with sunlight, the wear and tear of everyday use can cause them to look bad.
3. Poor Quality Faux Leather
It is possible that your fake leather couches may be peeling due to poor-quality materials. You may want to check if it is still under warranty or ask for a replacement.
4. Inferior Glue
The glue used to hold your faux leather couches together can easily dry out. This leads to tiny crackles which eventually leads to peeling. You may want to check with a professional to see if they can add some more glue or take a look at the seams themselves.
5. Cheap Faux Leather
It is possible that your faux leather couches may be peeling due to cheap quality materials. You may want to check if it is still under warranty or ask for a replacement.
6. Improper Glue Application
If the person who applied the glue did not use enough, then there will be areas where the glue has dried up and these areas will eventually peel. You may want to check with a professional to see if they can add some more glue or take a look at the seams themselves.
How Long Does It Take for Faux Leather Couches To Peel?
This depends on the factors listed above such as if it was exposed to sunlight or normal wear and tear. If it has just started to peel, then you may only see small flakes. If it has been peeling for months or years, then the entire surface can be affected.
How Do You Fix Fake Leather Peeling?
To fix the peeling, you can use the following tips, depending on the level of damage.
i. Use a Leather Repair Kit
If you have a leather repair kit at home, then this is the cheapest and easiest way to fix the peeling. You can follow the instructions included in your kit to apply a new layer of adhesive to your faux leather couch. This should help rejuvenate the surface so it returns to being smooth again.
ii. Use Faux Leather Spray Paint
If you do not have a leather repair kit, then you can use faux leather spray paint. It is the same type of paint used to change the color of your fake leather couches using DIY methods. You can easily find this at any hardware store for under $20.
iii. Replace Your Faux Leather Couch
If your faux leather couch is looking really bad, then you may want to consider replacing it. This can be expensive as fake leather couches do not come cheap.
However, if the peeling has been going on for years and there are more problems than just the surface level of your faux leather furniture, then replacing them will be the best option.
How Do You Care For Fake Leather?
Here are some tips to caring for your faux leather couches:
i. Use a Microfiber Cloth
Many people use old t-shirts or even paper towels to clean their fake leather couches. However, these materials can actually cause tiny scratches on the surface of your furniture. You should instead use a microfiber cloth designed specifically for cleaning. If you do not have one, then it is ok to use a soft cloth but make sure that there are no pieces of paper or anything else in the cloth.
ii. Do Not Use Water
Do not use water on your faux leather couches. Water can seep into the cracks and cause bubbling or discoloration. You can find many types of faux leather cleaners online, in your local department store, or even at grocery stores that sell household items.
iii. Avoid Direct Sunlight
Avoid direct sunlight as it is too harsh on the surface of your furniture. If you want to put a coffee table in front of your couch, then you can put up sunscreen to give it some protection. Direct sunlight can cause your faux leather couches to fade or discolour.
iv. Keep Away from Fire and Heat Damage
Avoid keeping fake leather couches in any room with high levels of fire and heat damage such as a fireplace, near a furnace vent or stovetop, etc. This type of environment is not good for maintaining the durability and appearance of your faux leather furniture.
v. Avoid Pets
If you have pets with claws, then you should avoid keeping your faux leather couches in the living room or family area where they spend most of their time playing or lounging around. If your fake leather couch does end up with scratches from your cat or dog, then use a microfiber cloth to clean it.
vi. Avoid Sharp Objects
If you keep any sharp objects around your home, then make sure that they are kept away from the surface of your faux leather furniture. Things like small toys or even paperclips can cause scratches on your fake leather couches if they get dragged across them or rolled over the surface while trying to pick them up.
vii. Clean Regularly
Finally, you should clean your faux leather couches regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and debris build up over time. This will also help maintain the colour so they do not fade too quickly.
Why do fake leather couches peel? Fake leather couches are not as durable as real leather couches, and over time they will begin to peel.
This is due to regular wear and tear as well as exposure to water, sunlight, and heat. If you do not care for your faux leather couch properly, then it can also start peeling. You should clean your furniture regularly and take extra care when cleaning up spills.
Here is a good article on how to care for real leather peels.